Joyce and Ron

We were born in England and lived in the same neighborhood in Warrington.  We first dated when we were teen agers, but after a little over a year, our dating became confined to writing letters as Ron left England and came to the US to attend college.  During this time we decided to marry and  after Ron graduated Joyce came over to America. 

We were married in Independence Missoure and lived there for 10 years.  During this time we had four children and Ron went to night school and earned an advanced degree in Physics.  After graduation he got a job at the Air Force Aeronautical and SpaceTest Center and we moved to Manchester TN.

Ron composed the background music and lyrics. 
The title is "On Eagles Wings".                    

Last night I dreamed you were with me
Our love gone cold, and hopelessly
We walked along a rocky path
Atop a cliff

And as we walked we heard the roar
Of restless waves on sandy shore
And felt the kiss of ocean breeze
Upon our face.

Then as we stood there hand in hand
And saw the waves break on the sand
We felt the peace of sight and sound
Flood in our soul.

An eagle from his nearby lair
With mighty wings soared in the air
And circled round about the sky
Beyond our grasp.

And in my dream we were set free
With love reborn and joyously
We claimed the sky as our domain
On eagles wings.

Click here to go to Suzanne's poem and the Hymn,   Communities of Christ

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