Hi! Welcome to the ONLY website on the net dedicated to a GREAT BRITISH tradition. The BEER GUT!

The Beer Gut or Beer Belly, has been around on our fair isle since the dawn of time!

This site is a tribute to the phenomenon. There are loads of other sites out there for fat guys - but they are all dominated by the rest of the world. We Brits invented bellies the Beer Gut and it's up to us to show the world..we still have the best.

This site is currently being revamped, if you would like to send us your pic then please e-mail us using the link below.

Come on in and join the fun!!


< GUEST BOOK - Please sign!



  Site Last Updated:

January 22nd 2000

Right! Now the rest is up to you guys!

Have you got a beer gut?
Do you know someone with a beer Gut?
Is your pub beer gut Friendly?
Then it's time for you to join in!
E-mail us with details about yourself, your mates, even the pub you drink in, and if you've got a Beer Gut to be proud of, send that too and we'll put it on the site.
Don't worry if you haven't got a Scanner just let us know and we'll make arrangements for you!
Make sure you spread the word about this site...like your gut, it can only grow with your help....