freespirit's cloud

A little piece of Country in CyberSpace!

Hi I'm Robin but I'm known as freespirit on the net and welcome to my corner of Cyberspace. This is my first attempt at the homepage deal so please be patient! I am a computer teacher by trade and a horse owner/breeder by choice. I am married to a great guy, Kent, and have 2 wonderful sons, Ari -- 11, and Dustin - 2. Dustin will be my hacker one day!! My Dad and I have racing Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds. I love anything that goes FAST....horses, NASCAR, trucks!!

Links to other sites on the Web

This is me and one of my BEST GUYS!
My friends share and chryss on my recent visit to their house.
Alamak Chat -- My home away from home!
American Quarter Horse Association
My school's homepage!

© 1998 (Yes it needs updating!)

I did this...hehehe

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