Take it from someone who knows! Pornography is a very dangerous thing and it could ruin your life!

As my testimony says, I have had much problem with pornography in its various forms. As a child, I was given Playboy and Penthouse as sex ed (at the age of 4). It went from there to watching X-rated movies on a daily basis, which did nothing but warp my mind, and extremely confuse my sense of what sex is, what God wants for it to be. As a male, I believe I have the potential to be more at risk of this disease, but women must also be concerned. Pornography has trapped countless women into lives of abuse and mistreatment--they degrade themselves and contribute to the male sickness as well. I do not have all of the answers to the many questions the degredation of women and the other effects pornography has, but you should check out what the experts have to say about it. Go here to this link, and read. If you have any problem with pornography, or know someone who does, it will be very educational and helpful.
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