U.S.A. #1!

The East Coast Cowboy's Web Site!

A Hero and a Legend Forever!

Page Will Be Under Reconstruction Shortly, Please Stand By :)

In the meantime.. enjoy the following web comic!! muuhahahaha!

Fear the Bunny!

I will be introducing my new page soon! New format and new links! Thanks for your patience!


I created this web site to share some of the interesting links and friends that I have gathered over the years. I hope that you will enjoy visiting my page and will drop me a line to let me know how you feel. It is still under construction so please bear with me!

Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Joseph Hubbs, I am a 33 year old security professional who enjoys music, football, hockey and good friends. I am ususally found chatting on either the EFnet in #!countrymusic or Undernet #Callahans I go by the nickname Grbac on Efnet and JoeNJ on Undernet. I hope to see you all there!

I have since moved back to New Jersey so that I can begin my life anew!

NEWS FLASH! I am finally settled down! Yes folks, some wonderful woman decided to tame this country boy and we are happily married! More news to come in the future! Stay Tuned!

Links to other sites on the Web

El Paso Coins and Collectibles Web Site! For all your coin supplies and coins ya just don't find elsewhere! Check it out!

SNIP is South Jersey's Internet Provider and the company that got me into the World Wide Web!

NJ 4 year Liberal Arts College! Where I began my web trek!

CountryMusic Links! I hope ya like these!

The Evil One's Rant Page! 'Nuff Said..

UTEP!... Home of the UTEP Miners!

The Grbac/Young Sports Page is where all your sports needs can be met!

Click Here to learn more about me!

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This "The Country Music Collection" site is owned by
Joe Hubbs The East Coast Cowboy!.

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since being reconstructed on July 4th 2000

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I hope you enjoyed my web page! I look forward to your comments!
Music is the ultimate expression of Freedom, so be free!
Thank you for visiting.. come again soon :)

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