Our Home and Garden...

    When moving into our new house in June, 2001 the area our borders and gardens were a blank canvas for an artist to work.  During that first summer, I planted just about anything that was easy and inexpensive.  I took a lot of pleasure in digging and planting without really knowing a whole lot about what I was doing.  I started relatively small and used the back border of the property for my first garden.  

    There were few trees and on the property.  However, the back of our garden is tree-lined along with a creek which runs behind the trees.  I started planting shrubs on the 2 sides in the hopes of creating a colorful border between the properties which will soon be occupied by similar homes such as mine.  The home builder had begun landscaping.  We continued by adding more flowers, shrubs and trees around the house.  Here's a tour around the grounds...

Section 1: Front Left Lawn, barberry bush, also added Russian Sage in Corner


Section 2:  Dead Nettles, Yarrow, Gladiolas, Lillie of the Valley, hostas, marigolds

Section 3:  Left border - Lantana, Butterfly, Forsythia, Lilac, Spirea, Forsythia bushes, strawcap daisies(?)

Section 4:  Lilac, Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon, and 2 Snowball Verbernium, Hostas


Section 5:  Hyacinths, Daffodils, Grape Hyacinths, Blue Festuca, Blazing Stars

Section 6:  Columbines, Daffodils, Gladiolas, Blue Festuca, Allium, , Bachalor Buttons, 

Section 7:  Grape Hyacinths, Fritillaria, Petunias, Black -eyed Susans, Chionodoxa, Iris


Section 8:  Crocus, Day Lilies, Phlox, Gladiolas, Iris

Section 9:  Astilbe, Bleeding Hearts, Phlox, Snapdragons, Iris

Section 10:  Red Salvia

Section 11:  Siberian Spruce

Section 12:Sedum 

Section 13:  Creeping Phlox, White Iris, Japanese P?

Section 13:  Japanese P., Phlox, Iris

Section 13:  Phlox

Section 14:  Wild Flowers and weeds

Section 15:  Right Border - Laurel Bush, Golden Vicary Privets

Section 15:  Rose of Sharon Tree, Pink Dogwood

Section 16:  Side of house - Emerald Green Arborvitae, Globe Arbovitae

Section 17: Emerald Green Arborvitae, Globe Arborvitae, rhododendron

Section 18: Emerald Green Arborvitae, Globe Arborvitae, spirea

Section 19:

Section 20:


Section 21:  Garage

Section 22:

Section 22:

Section 23:

Sec 24

Sec 25

Sec 26

Sec 27

Photos of the garden as it progresses through the summer:


Siberian Squill Crocus Blue Festuca
Starburst Daffodil Japanese P Hyacinths
Day Lilies Daffodils Rhododendron

Click here for garden references and links

@ 2003 by John V. Price  All rights reserved.  Updated:  01/21/03