Dustin's Page

Dustin as a Baby

This is Dustin's Birthstone Bear he has adopted

September 21,1986

Welcome to my first homepage. I am 14 years old. I like to play all kinds of sports.My birthday is September 21,1986. I like baseball the most. I am in the 9th grade. I have lived in many different states. My dad is in the Navy so we move around alot. I was born in Pensacola Fl. Since then we have lived in Thornton Colo.(Where my mom grew up.),Sandiego CA.,and Chicago. I like to play all kinds of computer games. Super Mario is my favorite. We also lived in Millington Tn. One of my favorite sports is bowling. We now live in Camp Point ILL. My dad is out to sea. My mom is tired of having us change schools all the time. We want to live here when my dad retires so we went ahead and moved here now. My dad will be living on the ship he is going to be stationed on. It is the USS CONSTELLATION. He is excited about going back to the ship again.

As Long As you Love Me

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