A Tight Connection To My Heart
(a.k.a.  Steve's Homepage)

Note: The Guestbook is at the bottom of the page

            Do you know this person?  A friend from 18 years ago that we lost track of.
[Info and Picture]

My Back Pages:

Favorite Links:

Copyright Forms:  Download the forms you need to copyright your songs including instructions and continuation forms which are usually needed if you copyright collections rather than single songs.
Melanie:  Remember her from Woodstock 1969.  She's still around and still has a following especially in Europe.  Check out the link and follow it to other Melanie sites.
Tourdates.com   A place for independent bands and artists to list their schedules and bios
Frank's Homepage:   Frank is my brother.  Visit his site which consist mostly of pictures he's taken of his favorite travel destinations See his latest pix of New Zealand
Concert Tours:  Information on current tours of most artists
The Live Poet's Society:   Lots of poetry submitted by lots of poets (over 1100)  Site is inactive but still accessible
pagoo.gif  Friends can't get you cause you're on-line and only have one phone line, register free with Pagoo and they will be able to call a toll-free number and leave you a message that comes to your computer.  Or you can leave me a message now on Pagoo by just clicking Here

FREE Email!  Lifetime Email Address:  Ever think of changing Internet Service Providers (ISP) but didn't want to have to change your email address.  Get a lifetime email address which will forward your mail to your present provider and can be changed to forward to a new provider if you switch.  Many domain names to choose from.   Some are free.   Others are not.  Check it out.  Or if you have a geocities web page just use this feature of geocities email.

Email my wife:  earline@cheerful.com

.Persons have visited this page since July 26, 1997

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This page is self-maintained and was created July 19, 1997 and last updated Feb. 15th, 1999
Background photo of Vermont taken by myself

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How to Put a guestbook on your web page


"Don't judge people for what they think or say, only for what they do"
"Don't trust the "force" unless you're sure of it's source"
"If it ain't logical, it don't make sense"
"Live long and prosper"

©1997,1998 Steve Sevek

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