Ali's unofficial "ALAN JACKSON" country-loving Page

Although this is an unofficial Alan Jackson page, you just have to check out his OFFICIAL ONE!

You can call me Ali. :)
Gender Female
Marital Status I am married to a wonderful man, who lets me love AJ
Pets I have 2 dogs ,a Schnauzer named Tippy and a Shih Tzu named Jody.
Location Living in British Columbia, Canada
Height 5'7"
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Hazel
Interests I love to chat, and I am Alan Jackson's biggest fan, so I mostly chat about Alan. :)

Here are some pictures of me and my family. Enjoy"
This a pic of Ali, her husband Carl and their little dogs Tippy, a miniature Schnauzer and Jody,a ShihTzu, they are best buddies, Tippy is 8 years old and Jody is 2 years old.!!

WOW, I just couldn't resist putting that view in there.

If you love Alan as much as I do please follow the links to the next three pages, lots of good Alan stuff there, he is one in a million!!

Two of my favorite songs were "Home" and "Where were you When the World Stopped Turning".Now I HAVE to add "Drive" What a beautiful song, love it AJ. I have been to 4 of his
concerts, and I am a fan club member. Another piece of trivia is that we took my Mom and
Dad to the concert in New Brunswick and now at 74, she's as big a fan as I am, and talks
about him ALL the time. She loves those long,long legs! Me too,who wouldn't? Those jeans look great too Alan, but first and foremost is your singing,and you as a person. So happy for your success!!!

Alan has an album out called "Drive"and it is wonderful! I love all the songs, two of my favorites are "That would be ok" and "Drive", I knew Alan would win awards for some of these songs, it is one of his best albums yet, just when I thought he couldn't do any better. Three cheers for Alan for giving up his own song and singing George Jones "Choices" at the awards last year. At the CMA 2003 awards Alan walkeded away with everything. The highlight was Entertainer of the Year award. It was great when he and Jimmy Buffet opened the show with "It's 5 o'clock somewhere". His humble acceptance talk was so humble, "typical Alan". He just keeps getting better and better.I have to admit thought that with all that talent I still can't get past those down home boy looks. Love you Alan!

Links to other sites on the Web


Alan Jackson's OFFICIAL FanClub Page.

Scullys Friends and Poetry Page!!

Jody's Page

Check back frequently for I will add and change stuff soon! Be sure to check out link to Alan's "Official Very Own Page"It's great, the ONE and ONLY Official Page.!It has wonderful information on it !!!


Come Check Out Ali's Pet Page For Some Great Pics and Stories!
This page was updated May 10/02 by ALI herself,Alan Jackson's #1 fan. Love you AJ!!!The Wall began this page but Ali redid it and all because I love you AJ and nobody can say it better than me!!!!What a concert on Nov.5.98. The Wall is a good friend and an excellent teacher, thanks,TW. :)

This page was updated by ALI on November 6/03.

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