to Sir Smoother's Page

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Hi there. My name's Rick, and I want to welcome you to my Homepage. I really have no clue as to what all I should put in here or what it will look like when I'm done, but the overall "themes" of these pages are Country Music. So here on this page are the links to my other pages. There's one for Country Music, with links to other pages and pictures with MIDI sound files of some of my favorite Country Music stars. There's one so you can see the HOUSE we bought and Amy (that's my baby) decorated. For you computer buffs, there's one for myComputer Page, a link to my Personnal Page, one to my Electronics Page, and a new one to my NAGEL Pictures Page. Amongst these you will find information and links to other sites concerning their different topics. So, take the time to browse the page(s) of your interest, and when your done, send me an e-mail and let me know what you think or to give me pointers to make this page better.

Ya'll come back now, ya hear?
© 1997 Send me an E-Mail and let me know how you like my page, or just to say HOOWWDIEE!!

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