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This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

A baby born without sin.

A child to teach the Fathers word.

A man put on a cross to die.

A savior for you and I.

S. Penman

June 2,2002

I am always coming before people that when the word that is written in the Bible, is preached, or told what is written, Some say "I do not believe that." For instance; we are having a conversation. During this conversation the subject of how others have insulted or treated you or myself. I refer to what the Bible, the written word of God says about such things. How we are to deal with such people and what we are to do about it. Instead of saying oh that is so, better that, then what I was doing about it.

By saying that you or I or both are agreeing that 1st, we believe that what is written is a good thing to do. If it is a good thing then it must be something that makes us and our life easier and better to deal with those that are being offensive. Therefore we have a sense of peace within ourselves because we have not allowed that person to take from us our peacefulness and become a receiver of their being honorary, mean, and degrading attitude toward us.

What if instead of just receiving what has been said and written in that Bible. We instead say; oh no well I just do not believe that is right. NOW what are we saying? We are saying we do not agree with what is written. Not only do we not believe it is the right thing, we also are saying, that what is written is WRONG. Therefore is not right and that whoever WROTE or SAID THAT, is also WRONG and not RIGHT and must have either been mistaken or are simply lying about what the right thing to do is.

So with all this said, let’s take a look at just exactly what is written. Question. How do we deal with and treat people that say something that is offensive to us?

In Matt. 18;7: It is written; “Woe to the world because offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!

Here we see that we being in the world, are going to have offenses brought to us. There is no way we can live in this world and not have offenses come. Is this a TRUE statement or, is it NOT a true statement.? Can we agree that this is a TRUE statement? Of course we all know that we can and do get offenses coming into our lives every day, If we are blessed we may not everyday. But at least once in a week. There will be someone, that will say or do something that we do not quite appreciate them saying or doing. How are we to deal with an offense?

Depends on what the offense is. If you ASK someone to tell you something that you are wanting their opinion on, Then be prepared not to be offended by the answer given, as long as it is a truthful answer from that person. After all, if you ask for an answer are you asking for truth, or are you just wanting them to say something to make you feel good about whatever you are asking the answer for. Most people will ask someone that they know is truthful if they are sincere in wanting the truth told. Otherwise they will ask ones that may say anything just to not hurt your feelings. PERSONALLY I am not concerned about my feelings being hurt. When I ask a question about anything. I ask because I do not know the answer or am not sure about something. Being an honest person I also want HONESTY to my questions. Now some may not know the answer for certain either. But may be guessing.. or just has an opinion. Well that is also fine.. BUT SAY THAT.. Do not speak or answer a question as being a truth if you are not, knowing it to be truth.

In this one item of discussion we either agree with what is written or we do not agree with what is written. As for what is written in the Scripture from the Bible I took it from. Is what is written true? Isn’t it true that all the world has much trouble and grief? WOE= trouble, great sorrow, grief. Anyone that does not agree with that, I really have no idea where they are. They surely are not in this world and seeing all that is happening all around them. No one being in this world can not say, “I don’t see” all the war, trouble, strife, misery, evil things that people do every day we read in the paper of war and killings and murder. Anyone that disagrees with the WOE of this world is not in this world.

The second part of the Scripture, speaks of the offender. Is this a true statement? Does trouble and strife and grief come to the one who does the offending? Of course …. Anyone that brings an offense to someone else, either by mistake unknowingly, or on purpose, will have unhappiness and their peacefulness taken away. All because they said or did something that was offensive to another. Having to say their sorry, and being humbled before the person they offended, having to ask for their forgiveness. OR they are not even aware of the grief they caused and the grief they caused created a real problem for that person, which then causes that person to stumble, in their way by loosing faith in what they had believed. And even causing them to have an offensive attitude toward you or others because of the anger or hurtfulness that their, the OFFENDERS, ACTIONS.

Is there anyone, anyone at all. That can say, they have not been guilty of being an offender. Some way of their actions, either not being aware, until it is brought to their attention or because they just really wanted to do the action to offend for some reason. Being angry, jealous, or whatever? I don’t believe that anyone that is in this world can say they have not been an OFFENDER or brought grief, sorrow, and hurt, upon someone and more then likely many.

Therefore we can conclude that, what is written in this Scripture is true. We can be in agreement with this. Therefore also agreeing that whoever it was that said this in this SCRIPTURE, was also being honest and truthful about what He was saying and believed it to be true also.

Believing all this so far, we then also have to agree and believe that whoever WROTE or recorded this that was said by the one that said it, which in this case was a person named JESUS. Also believed it was true.

In order for anyone to be absolutely certain that what this person said was truth, one would have to KNOW that this person does not lie. And TRUSTS that person is HONEST.

One can only believe and trust another’s HONESTY and what they say (their WORD they speak ) by KNOWING THEM personally. Being with them on a day to day basis, getting to know how they do , and live. Seeing what they say and then seeing if they do it also.

If you have a friend, That friend says; “I bought this at the store the other day.” Later you find out they stole the item, and all along they said how awful it is for people to steal and theft is wrong. “You will know them by their fruits” HONESTY! You only can trust a person’s honesty when they have proven to you to be honest.

A person can either be a LIAR or a TRUTH TELLER, (HONEST). Some tell the truth about some things, and lie about other things. Which in this, they are not being perfect. Nor being honest with all things.

ALL things that have been proven to exist in this world, are shown written in what we now call the HOLY BIBLE (Scriptures) and were written by men that, had the SPIRIT of GOD to tell them what to write. In the O.T. Moses is the writer by the spirit of God. God manifested Himself in fire, by night and cloud by day, in a burning bush, His voice is as thunder. In the N.T. God manifested Himself by being in the form of Jesus the Son. Who came to the world to save it. Teaching and showing us the word to live by. And the Word was God.

Those that walked, talked, lived, ate, and KNEW this one CALLED JESUS. Also WROTE of HIM. They trusted, believed, and lived with HIM. Because, they saw HIS TRUTH, and HONESTY, today we have what they believed to be truth and Honesty of what was done and said by the very one they were with.

This subject of one Scripture, spoken by JESUS as RECORDED, TRANSLATED in all languages to be read and believed, is only just one example. There are many more just as this that can and are truth and honest accounts, of what is right and what is truthfull. Recorded and written by those that KNEW what the truth is.

We either agree with what is written, and believe what is written and trust by faith, of what JESUS SAID. Believing these ones that wrote what they knew as being an honest and truthful person, all that are known that wrote this WORD as it was shown and taught to them about, JESUS, GOD, and our existence, the world and all that is in it. How it all came into being. How we were made from the ground. How we were made living souls by the breath of GOD. How Jesus is our redeemer. How He has overcome the world and defeated death, and that HE keeps His promises of giving us the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us, and the place He is preparing for us. We either receive it as truth, or we deny this BOOK all as a lie and call GOD the WORD and all that wrote, all that speak of it a LIAR.

May 29,2002

The Written Word tells us in Hebrews 1;1:&2: God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these LAST DAYS spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of ALL things, through whom also He MADE the WORLDS;

Worlds in the Greek means “aiones” = ages. This fits very well when I think of the song, “We Are The World” Or when We understand that we are the age (world) that is the CRUCIFICTION of Jesus. The crucifiction of Jesus, the risen Christ, is the Good NEWS of this age. For when He came to this age, He was among men walking and talking and eating with men. But most of all He taught His disciples.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The poor in spirit is to have a humbled and sorry spirit. Knowing of our unworthiness. For none of us are worthy of what Jesus has done for us. We do not deserve to be saved by the grace of God. All that believe in their heart in His Son and confess Him being resurrected from the dead, shall be saved. Romans 10; 9: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

“Blessed are those who mourn, For they will be comforted.”

The believer does mourn, we mourn for all the ones that have yet to find that kingdom of God that Jesus told to seek. The first mourners were the disciple’s that were with Jesus before He went away. And we and they were comforted, by the Holy Spirit He had promised them and all that believe.

“Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.”

A meek person is looked at as being cowardly and weak. Jesus was not a coward nor was he weak. But he was a meek person gentle and humble. And we are to come to Him and have peace and rest. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirsts for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”

We hunger and thirst for His righteousness, We know that He is righteous and we are made righteous through Him. We know that the age(world) is but for a moment in time, and He and His righteousness is forever and when He comes again we will be as He is and be and have that heavenly glory. The world (age) which is what we all are in right now are fleshly bodies that some have a self-righteousness, trying to establish our own righteousness through works. But there are those that have the righteousness that comes with their faith in Jesus Christ and receive what He has given all that believe. Having that faith and righteousness, would rather suffer along with the people of God then partake in fleeting pleasures of the of sin that the flesh lusts after.

“Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.”

We do not show mercy to receive mercy from those we show mercy to. Because we all know that many do not return what is given to the ones that gave. We do however show mercy to anyone by doing what we can to help, heal, and give, to anyone in need. Just as Jesus did. And our mercy comes from HIM. In this life and in the one to come.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.”

The pure in heart are the ones that have received the truth of Christ Jesus, the manifested Word of God. those that have no hypocrsy. Have one master ,Christ. Have a new heart and new mind through the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Confess and forsake all KNOWN SIN. Have a repentint heart for any sin they do not try hiding it from God. God KNOWS everything anyway. Cannot hide anything from Him He knows OUR HEARTS.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.”

Peacemakers are those that have found their peace in and through their receiving the truth and grace of God and what Jesus Christ has accomplished for all the world. One doing this and being made clean and having the peace of God within , then we continue showing those that are not yet at peace with God. but are against Him by being in denial of Him and His truth of GRACE and His Son.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

All that have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost through their belief and faith and living that faith through Him will be and are persecuted by all that have yet to find that peace in Him and having what He has to given. Jesus was persecuted before we were. And many disciple’s have been persecuted and still are to this very day for preaching and speaking of Jesus Christ and what He accomplished for the world on the cross. We should not accept this with sadness and hurt but rejoice for we are being persecuted for the sake of Christ.

“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecute the prophets who were before you.”

All that have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. Should rejoice and be happy in all that comes before us and do as He guides and leads us by LISTENING to that HOLY SPIRIT That we have had come to us through the promise and baptism of that Holy Spirit. PRAYING always doing all that that is good and pleasant in the eyes of God. KNOWING that our reward is with HIM at His coming at the END of the age.

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