Welcome to my

Wishing You Happy Millennium 2009

Gilbert Rudy Castillo
The picture at the right is my first CD; It conteins 12 melodies only of diferent stiles, good for listening pleasure or while you drive; You can call me at 323-257-2748 or e-mail me at grudyc@yahoo.com; to Gilbert Castillo for info and Price;(EN ESPA?OL) Este es un CD de 12 melodias con diferente estilos para complacer a muchos gusto, si deseas comprarlo dirijance al telofono ? email de arriba. 
I have other things I usely like to pass time with and this is one of them computers, right now, I also like to compose and play music, metal and wood working, and now just testing thisgood tools on the Web. Thanks to GeoCities
As you probably guest it already, I am from southern California.
Los Angeles to be exact; So hello to all of you out there.
Some other links to see
Computers & Technology- The latest in technology, science, and the Web.

- Science, mathematics, aviation.

- The future of technology.

- Hardware, software, programming.

- Shopping for any thing

- Los Angeles Recycler news paper
I enjoy going to Church, reeding and Studying my Bible, I also like to go camping, boating (not much of a fishermen), bicycle riding, playing with the grandchildren, and to say the least! working around the house.
I will have some pictures at: Family page in the future.

Check out the
Community Leaders for my neighborhood.  They're great!
Thanks for stoping by; and good sailling on the web.
Want to get in touch with me? Your Comments or thoughts are welcome.
My Email: