While searching the "net" I've found some interesting quotes that were claimed to have been said by our guy Lee Roy. Some are older quotes from a few years ago. I have compiled these (although I'm sure there are more) to one page, so that you may read them without having to travel through so many pages, although I had a great time during my search. I found many interesting pages, some of which I have revisited.

In Regards the song "Saved By The Grace of Your Love" on his CD "We All Get Lucky Sometimes" which Lee Roy co-wrote with Mike Reid .."The lyrics are probably the best lyrics I've probably ever had. I just love the feel of that song. I'm just proud of that song as anything I've ever had."

"The first time I heard BB King, I put all my Beatles records in the trash. It was over. Forget that. It's like I didn't like no looking back."

"I'm a musician, I'm a writer. I've never been into this thing for the money. I don't give a darn about flavor of the month, trends. I don't give a darn about any of that. I just love playing music."

About the Album Love Without Mercy"You get more of Lee Roy Parnell this time. I wanted to dig a little deeper this time, put more of myself into it. The best way to do that was to simplify the music as much as possible. We started every song with just my voice and my guitar, and we built carefully around that. We didn't want to get much more complicated than two guitars, a bass, drums, and some piano."

words on The Rock "It's probably the most country song I've recorded (at that time). It's such a great song. I wanted to cut it for a long time, when I heard it. I always like a little struggle in a song if I can find it, and I like the outcome to be hopeful. It's a sad song in a sense, but it also shows that the human condition survives all."

About his songs.. "For me, what makes it work is finding songs that I can sink my teeth into. The longer I'm around as an artist, the more I realize that your most powerful work comes from the songs that are the most honest to who you are and what you feel. Any artist can sing just about any song, but it doesn't mean you can do that song justice. What works is what comes naturally."

On the Allman Brothers.. "Blues music touched me from the first moment I heard it. It overshadowed everything else somehow. Then I heard the Allman Brothers, and I couldn't believe it-- here were these six guys from the South infusing jazz, country and blues, all the same elements I'd grown up with, but they were playing it in a rock & roll kind of way."

"I've learned by now that finding a peaceful place in life comes down to two things--acceptance and faith. When you can accept what you're given, the good and the bad, and have faith that doing your best will be good enough, even life's struggles begin to look like a gift. That's when you're finally able to start doing what you were put here to do, and that's a great feeling. It's not about a destination, it's about a journey. I've got a long way to go, and I plan to enjoy every step along the way."

"Time is the most precious thing that we have. Every minute that I can squeeze away from my career I spend with my family. That's what is important to me. The price on time is high and they ain't making any more of it"

About the Hot Links "We have been playing together for a long time, and I have always wanted to have a band that I can record with and be on the road with. To me, it keeps from sounding like everything else you hear on the radio. It brings out it's own unique sound."

"I think the most important thing you can ever learn is who you are and who you aren't. You've got to learn what you're really about by peeling away the layers until you get to what God intended for you to be."

On the new Album Every Night's A Saturday Night"If you can't dance to this, then you must be dead."

"In a time of widely unidentifiable and homogenized music, we give you with love, blood, sweat and tears, an album of honest, straight, from the heart music. No bells, no whistles, no smoke bombs. Just the best we have to give you. Thanks for letting us be ourselves."

I would like to thank these people from where I found these quotes: Music City News     The Evansville Courier Great American Country, Houston Chronicle & Country Standard Time.
And a big thank you to Laura for her pictures.

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