My Trivia Page

Are you ready for some trivia??
This week's questions feature James Bonamy


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1) What College did James attend?
University of Alabama
University of Tennessee
Florida State University

2) What job brought James to Nashville?
A recording deal
Nashville Palace

3) What is the name of James' second album?
"Dog On A Toolbox"
"What I Live To Do"
"Roots And Wings"

4) What song is James' debut as a songwriter?
"The Swing"
"I Knew I'd Need My Heart Someday"
"I Don't Think I Will"

5) What was James' first #1 song?
"I Don't Think I Will"
"The Swing"
"All I Do Is Love Her"

What artist would you like to see featured here?:

Check back next Sunday for the answers and some new questions!
This page last updated on 5/03/98

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