*Perfect Love*

~*Oh, My Love*~

Oh, My Love,

When I awake at each morning's light,
I turn and look into your eyes and see,
The precious love that God has given to me;

Oh, My Love,

The beauty you possess is beyond which words can describe,
But is forever present in all that you say and do,
Your love constantly ever so gently embracing our lives;

Oh, My Love,

When I look into the mirror of our souls,
I see the glorious miracle of our two hearts as one,
Ever loving for the heavens above to behold;

Oh, My Love,

All that I am, is a reflection of the love we share,
All that I ever could be, is all because of you,
All that I ever want or need, is the love you have given me;

Oh, My Love,

Through the years we have shaped each other's lives,
Like clay, we have molded our hearts and souls as one,
The beauty of our lives ever changing, one with another;

Oh, My Love,

We have traveled so far on our journey of love,
I ponder in amazement at the wondrous moments we shared,
And I thank God for every blessed moment I have with you;

Oh, My Love,

Where this journey of love will ever take us in years to come,
I have no other desire throughout the ends of this earth
Than to walk with you, hand in hand, for all of eternity.




Email me at angeleyes34@usa.net in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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