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Finding Instruments in the Toronto area

Last updated Sep 11 1998 by Wil Macaulay.

This page contains information about where to find some of the harder-to-find instruments that are played in the Celtic traditions, such as pipes, whistles, citterns, and wooden flutes.

If you are a builder, or if you know where obscure items can be found, please let me know.

The comments in the listings are from various people: [WM] is myself, Wil Macaulay, [TP] is Thom Pratt. If you have a comment to add I will attribute it to you (!).

Instrument Builders





Sarah Beaton Violins (426) 533 6070
30 Sheridan St,
Toronto Ont
Very fine violins by a formally trained builder who plays fiddle music as well as classical styles - so she doesn't sneer at jigs and reels!
Peter Cox Citterns, Mandolins, Guitars (705) 726 3784
11 Finlay Mill Rd.,
RR#3 Barrie Ont
L4M 4S5
Nicely playable instruments without a lot of excess ornamentation, which keeps them affordable. [WM]
Peter Noy Irish Flutes (416) 972 0606
1 YorkvilleAve,
Toronto, Ont
M4W 1L1
Keyed and keyless wooden flutes, made with grenadilla and solid silver, patterned after Rudall and Rose.
Bob Allan Fiddles, Harps Bob Allan
(905) 823 6600 ballan@on.aibn.com
Decent quality instruments. Also imports flutes and other folk instruments including practice chanters for Highland Pipes.
Greg Dahms Violin, viola and cello bows 613 720-2975
Handmade pernambuco bows. Pierre Schryer has ordered one of Greg's bows...
Cindy Norton Bodhrans FAX 416 534 6330
The drums are approximately 17" in diameter, and in keeping with tradition are only made with goatskin. Each drum comes with a hand turned tipper and a customized cross bar (i.e. a single bar, a crossed bar, or no cross bar.)

Specialty Shops





The Recorder Centre Recorders, tin Whistles, wooden flutes, etc. The Recorder Centre
984 Dovercourt Rd. Toronto
416-534-7931 - John Ferth
The best selection of Tin Whistles, Low Whistles and wooden flutes in Toronto - a good selection of Irish and Scottish and English tune and song books , as well as an excellent collection of whistle books. [TP]

I would be pleased to include listings of anywhere in Southern Ontario if I hear about them.

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