early christians
the innodyn turbine.

Welcome to the SF260 original web site. Please enjoy this site but do not depend upon its accuracy. Consult the Maintanence Manual for details before working on your plane.

  1. SF260 message board...This is a brand new SF260 message board

  2. An article by LYCOMING on the use of EGT for leaning.

  3. The gear actuator.
  4. the unofficial SF260 web site.

  5. SF260s that are for sale.

  6. N401FD. From a 1991 article.

  7. Hello from the Italian Airforce SF260s.

  8. F260.COM Dee Conger's web page.

  9. A trebuchet fires. You must have Quick time to play this file.

  10. Flying out of the Washington D.C. ADIZ.

  11. My first problem with a parachute.

  12. Advice to a high school student who wants to fly F-16s.

  13. An SF260 instrument panel in the making.

  14. John Pierce is selling his near perfect 1982 SF260C. See it at
  15. The death of Lance Reventlow.

can you identify this plane?

You may already know by now but the plane of which you ask about is an old DC8. It belongs to Red Lane and he lives in it at Whifferdill airport.

Just Call It the Flying Ferrari
Jan Morgan

Intended to introduce pilots to single-seat fighters, most SF260s seat the pilot on the right side of the aircraft, providing a cockpit configuration of right-hand stick and left-hand power lever customary to the type. The flight instructor’s seat on the left features a separate left-hand power lever and a second set of flight instruments. The seats are designed to accommodate parachutes, and emergency canopy release levers are at both seating positions. The interior finish is military. Carpets and leather may be added should the owner prefer more opulent surroundings.

Daytona “chairs� and prancing horse mats, perhaps?

With two tachometers and a torque meter reading in percent, along with a turbine outlet temperature (TOT) gauge that must be monitored throughout the starting procedure, turbine start-up is a little more complex than that of the piston-powered version. Press the starter button until the N1 rpm indicates 15 percent, then advance the condition lever, which controls the fuel delivery, fully forward while monitoring the engine’s TOT. The sound changes from a whine to that of a home furnace firing up. Keep the starter engaged until the N1 hits 58 percent. A rise in temperature, torque, and N2 rpm, along with that turbine shriek of the Allison, indicates that the engine is running.

Ideally, the TOT will not exceed 927 degrees during the start-up. If that should happen, then the start is aborted. The numbers, 927 degrees and 58 percent, are agonizingly specific, indicating the sort of precision that is required of military flight candidates in the handling of their aircraft. Although the starting procedure sounds complicated, I found that a short time with the operations manual brought everything into sharp focus.

Radio repair.

2" artificial horizon. excellent for a back up since it runs for 7 minutes after losing power. 24 volts.. $3,000. write to