Date: 2004-04-04 23:23:08
Blane Okean aviator13b@aol.com
Marchetti SF260 D-model N96FD
1992 474 TTSN
HSI; RMI; Garmin 430,530,340,330 Encoder with mode s;
BF Goodrich Skywatch; Shadin fuel flow; spherical aerobatic attitude indicator
S-Tech autopilot with altitude hold.

ABSOLUTELY LOADED - Nicest Marchetti SF260 piston in the WORLD - PERFECT throughout
Price: $385,000
Contact Blane or Paul Okean for more information and pictures:
aviator13b@aol.com, mstar6337@aol.com

  1. A buyers guide for used aircraft.
  2. Pictures and details of an Alpi Eagle SF260 for sale in Switzerland.
  3. More pictures of an Alpi Eagle plane with Italian registry in Switzerland.
     Aeromeccanica SA
    Aeroporto Cantonale, 6596 Gordola – Switzerland
    Phone:     +41-91-745 66 89
    Fax:	  +41-91-745 44 44
    Cellph.:	+41-79-337 03 03
    e-mail:  aeromeccanica@bluewin.ch
    Date:		19.01.04 11:54
    1982 SIAI Marchetti SF260C, Italian Registered.
    Total Time:			1900
    Engine:			Textron-Lycoming O-540-, all cylinders replaced at 1600 hrs
    Total Time:			1890	
    Propeller:			Hartzell
    Total Time:			1900		
    TSOH:				215, blades replaced during last overhaul
    2	King		KY196A	COM
    1	Collins		GLS350	NAV GS Receiver	
    1	Collins		VIR351	NAV VOR-LOC Receiver
    1	Collins		IND351	CDI Receiver
    1	Collins		MKR350	Marker Beacon Receiver
    1	Collins		TRC451	DME RT
    1	Collins		IND450	DME Indicator
    1	Collins		RCR650A	ADF
    1	Collins		IMD650	ADF Indicator
    1	Collins		TDR950	ATC Transponder
    1	Gemelli	AG04-1	ICS Audio Panel, Marker
    1	Collins		PWC150	Power unit
    1	King		KEA130-01	Encoding Altimeter
    Exterior:	White and blue, redone in 2003		09/10
    Interior:	Gray leather, redone in 2003			09/10
    -	Always hangared
    -	Former Alpi Eagle aerobatic team
    -	Instrument panel lay out for right hand pilot in command
    -	In very good condition
    -	Warrior wings
    -	Smoke System
    Price:		US$ 220,000 	
    All specification are subject to verification upon inspection prior sale. 
    Aircraft subject to prior sale/withdrawal from market.