Mood Makers

Perhaps the night started sitting in one of these....
..Perhaps you even dropped a coin or two into one of these......
Now we all remember these dont we..the
Dont forget to remove the speaker before you drive away announcements. Friends in the trunk or potatoes in the exhaust pipe. Those cars that always fogged up for no apparent reason. The girl wore his letter and the guy her ring on a chain. They were your first love and along with Prom,Sock Hops,the song that was playing the first time you danced close all marked memorable moments you wont soon forget especially*your song*..maybe one of these is yours???The 50's, 60's,even today everyone has a Lookout Point or a special place to be alone..maybe the stars and these songs will bring back those special moments for you for ol times sake...dont forget to put the car in park!!!!

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