Alfie Smith

Alfie Smith is a true modern day Blues Man, Blending hard edged Rock & Roll, Gospel, Folk and Jazz with Pure Primal Blues to create his own unique sound. He is adept at many instruments such as 7 string slide guitar, banjo, guitar, 12 sting and lap steel. Alfie’s musicianship has earned him endorsements with Composite Acoustics, Eastwood, Stonebridge and Johnson Resonators. First and foremost Alfie is a singer with a deep passionate brooding baritone vocal style in the tradition of the old Blues shouters. Brass and Steel is Alfie’s 5th CD released in October 2007.It has 21 tracks and features Alfie and his band the Hard Cases on six of the songs. The Hard Cases are: Bob Doidge on Trumpet & Bass and James Richards on Drums. He is at ease playing solo or with his band. This is Alfie’s 1st release with Busted Flat Records. Alfie has been a featured performer at Mariposa, Festival of Friends, Home County, Eaglewood, Mill Race, Red Rock, Brampton, Niagara Blues Festival, Harbourfront Blues Festival, Octoberfolk, Orillia Spring Blues, Barriefolk and Orangeville Blues & Jazz festival. Alfie was selected for official showcases at the O.C.F.F. and the 2005 Blues Summit II. His new CD “Brass & Steel” has just been nominated for Best Blues Recording and his slide and guitar playing has earned him a nomination for Guitarist of the year at the 2007 Hamilton Music Awards. Last year “Flesh & Bone” 4th CD was nominated for Best Blues Album at the 2006 Hamilton Music Awards as well.


“4 stars… Buckshot Blues shows off Smith’s rich resonant voice, and his dynamic finger picking on a variety of stringed instruments. The result is some very nice acoustic electricity, with several standout tracks, such as the title track, the steely “Possession Blues,” and the banjo lament “Born To Lose.”

- Roots Music Report By Michael Dixon


If you're ever in the area ?

Check Alfie's Gigs Here


Alfie's Photo Album


(All songs on this site are written and played by Alfie.)



From Alfie's 4th cd Flesh and Bone

Home Town Blues -- WMA

How Can I Find My Way Home -- WMA


A couple of samples from Alfie's 3rd cd Buckshot Blues

Buckshot Blues -- WMA

Possession Blues -- WMA


A sample from Alfie's 2nd cd Dirt Simple

Hide Away -- WMA




"The Hamilton bluesman puts his big, gruff voice in front of electric and acoustic guitars, including mean slide and steel, in addition to banjo. He purrs like a kitten slumbering in a blanket or roars like a lion defending a carcass."

- ROBERT REID The Record


"Hamilton is blessed with a wealth of great blues guitarists. None is better than Alfie Smith when it comes to the acoustic slide and he's got a voice to match."

- Graham Rockingham the Hamilton Spectator


“Whether you prefer teddy bear or grizzly bear vocals, there’s no doubting Alfie’s a songwriter that has been woefully overlooked in the Canadian roots-blues music scene.”

Rockin the Blues


“Alfie Smith is one bad Mother @#$%er!”

Mel Brown


“Alfie’s voice is so rich I might just have to give up Chocolate…”

- Tara McKenzie


“Whether a soft whisper as he delicately finger-picks one of his own heartfelt compositions, or a gruff roar as he dips into his beloved blues repertoire; Alfie delivers.”

- Jeremiah McCaw Budnark


“ From a wealth of raw ingredients, Alfie J. Smith concocts a 4 Star feast.”

-Jennifer Ives


Rock in the Blues review of Buckshotblues


Rock in the Blues review of Flesh and Bone


A review from Roots Music Report


Alfie has his 3rd ? cd recorded now. It may be more ? Its so hard to keep up with him. We will get some files from it on this page soon. Below, you can listen a file from Alfie's first cd and determine for yourself what a talented young man he is.

Jagged Crown -- WMA


Performers at Reader's Benefit - April 21, 2004


To Purchase any CD by Alfie Smith


Below is Alfie at 18 months

Alfie is also an award winning published poet. He has been playing guitar and writing songs since he was 12 years old.


Alfie is the son of

Mary-Evelyn and Cliff Smith (Frosty Jack)


E-Mail Alfie


Check Alfie's new site its more alive


Jeremiah's Folk Website


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This Folk Music Web Ring site is owned by
Alfie Smith.

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