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Come right on in... Hi!! I am Katie...

... and this is my first attempt at building a home page.....It will not have alot of rhyme or reason, but that is just like me!!!!!

I have alot of interests, but country music is the number one! I also am a TAZ freak, and am not ashamed to admit it, I enjoy Karaokee. I spend my leisure time ( ha ha ha ) either cross stitching, or reading.I am a stay at home mother of two beautiful little girls, Krysta who is 8 and Katryna who is now 6. Hubby works in the oilfield.

This page is just packed full of things for you to browse through. I have pages and links for my favorite artists, I have tons of pics of my hero...Taz, there is a link to my Mom-in-Law's page, which is a great site for anyone who is remotely interested in genealogy. On top of all of this, there is a link to a country chat line, a couple of pages of pictures of my family, there will be links to cross stitching sites, and there is also a link to a page that I have made as a tribute to my father, who passed away in 1992.

I guess you could say that there is something for just about everyone here. I am having alot of fun, and I am also learning a lot while I go on. I hope you enjoy browsing through my pages as much as I am enjoying building them.

I have placed a guestbook at the bottom of this page. Please sign it and let me know what you think...I would love to hear from you!!! You can also email me any comments, if you like.

So Please!!! Sit back, relax and enjoy yourself...

Here is the link to Mom-in-Law's Page. As I said it is a terrific site for anyone who is interested in genealogy, she has provided links for anyone interested in researching their own history as well....

To make life simpler, this is my table of contents. It will give you an overview of all that is here.

This is my bragging page....I have won an Award!!!

Here are some hot country links that I have stumbled across in my travels through cyber space..
There are links to terrific sites in general, and also links for my own favorite artists

This page has great graphic links that I have found, and all the webrings that I belong to...check them out, and enjoy a trip through cyber space....

...So for those who are interested here are some pictures of my hero....TAZ

...Meet my family...this page and the pages linked to it take awhile to load because of the pictures....just a warning

Links for you cross stitchers

Here is a very personal link that I would like to share with you

I am sure that there will be alot of changes in the future, so come back and visit me soon.

In the meantime and inbetween time, you can email me

Please take the time to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think

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