
Magyar nyelven


Amusment of Rábaköz
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

It presents the dance tradition of North - West Hungary through the defined circle recruiting dance of the led companies, the girls' skilful pitcher dance and the region's most characteristic jumping - DUS - dance.


Jó bor kell a magyarnak

The Hungarian needs good wine
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

This performance works up the archaic folk songs and folk dances of Somogy county, in wich there is the women's spring "abudance wizard" round dance, swine-herd dance with sticks, couple jumping dance and fresh csardas.


Round dance of Sárköz
Choreographer: Szabadi Mihály

This is about the very rich round dance tradition of Sárköz which is near the Danube. In this performance we can find the slow stepping, the doll playing, the vibrating, the csardas and the running dances. The speciality of these dances that the girls-women accompanied by their own singing.

Sárközi karikázó


Magyar ugrálós

Hungarian jumping dance
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

This dance origins from the home of Vasas called Mezőföld which lies on the right Danube bank. It presents a characteristic sheperd dance with stick and an artfulness dance with handkerchiefs.


The girls of Kalocsa
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

Kalocsa region is situated on the left bank of the Danube and well - known of its outstanding hand embroidery and paprika. In this performance we can find girl's game, csardas, fresh csardas and at the end the marching dance.

Kalocsai Lányok


Csardas and Olah dance
Choreographer: Makovinyi Tibor

Characteristic couple and lashing dances of the Southern-Plain.


Magyar Verbunk

Merrily, merrily
Choreographer: Neuwith Annamária

The most characteristic men dance of the Upper - Tisza region. The choreography starts with the Hungarian recruiting dance, then it continues with the couple recruiting dance, csardas, round csardas and at the end with fresh csardas.


Dances of Kalotaszeg
Choreographer: Farkas Zoltán

Kalotaszegi legényes

Kalotaszegi csárdás

This is the most virtuostic Hungarian men's dance. It starts with jaunty dance, then the turning dance the csardas and the hasty dance.


The rare and dense of Mezőség
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

This is slow and fast dance the Mezőség which lies in the middle of Transylvania with legscrewing and hard lashing movements where the leds proove their virtuosity.


Sóvidéki székely téáncok

Székely dances of Sóvidék
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

Sóvidék is a region in South-East Transylvania which is famous about its salt mines. The choreography presents the region's characteristic recruiting, turning and the stormy fast rhythm knocking and capering dance.


Barn dance
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

This is about the archaic dances of the Csángó ethnic group living in the valley of Gyimes brook in the Carpathians. The performance contains the slow Hungarian, the paddock dance and the chain dance (héjsza). The men "break out" with lashing dance.



Choreographer: Rácz Attila

The Székely ethnic group from the Transylvanian county Csík was pursued many times in the storms of history. After a long escape through Moldva, Bukovina and Bácska they found new home in Hungary in the South - Trans Danubia region. The choreography shows a characteristic jaunty and couple Silladri dance.


"Zsok" of Békés county
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

This performance presents the dances of the Romanian ethnic group living in the county of Békés in Hungary.


Men's dance of Elek
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

Because of the mixed population of the willage Elek in Békés county a varied dance tradition formed with virtuosic rhythm and motion style.


Dances of Ördöngösfüzes
Choreographer: Rácz Attila

In the dances of the village of Mezőség in Transylvania the old noble traditions were kept, the slow led's dance and the turning couple dance.

Ördöngõsfüzesi táncok

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