Welcome to the
"I spend most every night beneath the light of a NEON MOON..." --Brooks and Dunn

Howdy, I'm Kiara and obviously, I own the Neon Moon.....dedicated to the greatest duo in country music...Brooks and Dunn, of course....mighty nice of y'all to stop by....we appreciate our regulars and always love new faces.....so whichever one y'all are, Welcome! Follow me, and I'll show y'all around and make the necessary introductions ~smile~
Well, the first person y'all are gonna see is John....he keeps the place "clean" for me....don't care much for havin the rif raf in here....I know he looks big and mean, yet oh so fine ~wink~ but he's just a big teddy bear....as long as ya stay on MY good side.....hehehe.....
Just up here to the right we have the bar.....there's Chris, the bartender.....ain't he a pretty boy? ~wink~ Around here, we call him "boss".....for some reason, he thinks he is, so we just let him think that.....hehehe
Ah look.....the servers are lined up and ready for inspection....this is one of my favorite parts of owning this place....~weg~ Ok, boys....stand up straight! hehehe.........here we got my big brother, Coug.......~wink~ then we have MaXXX and Okie.....hmmmmm.....y'all are all perfect, as usual...~wink~.....Ok, boys.....get to work....hehehe.......don't y'all just love a man in a nice fitting pair of Wranglers, a nice stetson and a pair of Justins? ~drool~ I sure do....
That pretty much concludes the introductions, for now.....Im always in need of good help, so if y'all need a job let me know! ~wink~ Now, if y'all like my place, feel free to stick around.....just over there you can see the dance floor and the Neon Moon Jukebox

Oh there is one very very important person I didn't get to introduce y'all to yet......Shania....she helps me run this place when she's not too busy running her own......if ya want, y'all can find her most of the time running The Wild Angel Saloon

Well, now that y'all have met everyone, feel free to hang out awhile....I got some stuff to do....yes, an owner's job is never done....and it's a toughie, too....I have to sit around, smile sweetly and look cute....~wink~......so, grab yourself a beer....enjoy the music and the atmosphere, and if ya wanna spend more time with me.....y'all can always find me in The Back Booth

While you are here, I'd love for y'all to visit my Brooks and Dunn photo archives

Have a look around....and when you're done, if y'all would be so kind as to sign my guestbook Thanx.....
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Again, thank y'all for stopping in, and we hope to see y'all again real soon! ~wink~
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