[a.k.a. Rolling Thunder]



Welcome to My page. When I was trying to figure out what I wanted for this page I got stuck. I'm not a page designer and I don't have a lot to say actually. So what I decided to do was put pictures here to show you things that I like and enjoy. Maybe by looking through them you can get a sense of who I am.

Beautiful Sunsets...

The Great Smokey Mountains...

The Tennessee River...

Creeks Running Through the Woods...

Summer Storms...

God's Most Magnificent Creatures...

My "Purdy" Truck...

My Front Porch Swing...

My Home Away From Home...

(Please excuse the mess...the maid didn't show up that day)

Eyes...THOSE Eyes...


If You Are Brave Enough...Here's Me

There are Angels Everywhere...There's One Watching Over Each of Us... Here is Mine

Southern Charmer's Midi Page


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