Yoakam Me! ! !

Rockin' with Dwight ! ! !


"if you didn't look so great, I'd say you look good"

This is my page dedicated to My Love of Dwight Yoakam.

He's muti-talented, smart, sexy, and SINGLE! !

"...let's throw away all care, move out on the edge somewhere, find a place, and just swing there in the breeze."

If you like looking at Dwight, (and this girl does!) these links are for you!

Due to the many inquires here's link to the source of most my pics! Starshots

Watch Dwight on CMT! and look for his new videos "Things Change" & "These Arms"!!

Listen here for "Things Change"

...and here for "These Arms"

"A LONG WAY HOME" is Dwight's latest album and we're anxiously awaiting Dwight to start his '99 Tour!!
Check out the Yoakam Hollar for the latest dates!!

  I have loved Dwight for years now, click below for some of my Dwight Favorites:

 Dwight's not just a musician, his acting career is taking off! Here's some of his movies

Dwight's Movies

Red Rock West (bit part)
The Little Death
Painted Hero
The Newton Boys
When Trumpets Fade 

Dwight has a book coming out !
"A Long Way Home: Twelve Years of Words" It's to be released in April 1999 . Here's the link to the Barnes & Noble site where it's being promoted.

I've got quite a collection of "Dwight Stuff" Come on in... for a look at some of my Dwight Related Memorabilia 

If there is a picture here that shouldn't be, or if I haven't given you your due credit for one, please email me and I will rectify the situation. I certainly do not want to step on any toes.

If you want the latest and greatest on Dwight, these are the sites to check out!

The Yoakam Holler

Reprise Records


If you're interested in talking Dwight, come and join "Tonk Talk", an online email discussion of our Favorite Man!
Tonk Talk

This Dwight Yoakam Webring site owned by Bernie Stallibrass.

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