Music City BBG #1764 and Mickey

Home of CSR's 1999 Most Spirited Chapter!

BBG MenorahBBG MenorahThe girls of Music City hail from Nashville Tennessee and are members of The Cotton States Region #72. Nashville BBG has been in existence since July 18, 1958, and has had several different names, but most recently has been known as Music City BBG #1764. MC's chapter colors are blue and gold and our mascot is Mickey Mouse. Our brother chapter is the manly men of Athens of the South AZA #258.

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BBYO? What the . . . . . ?

You are the Person to visit the greatest bunch of girls this side of the Mississippi since 1/7/98

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Dave Mathews Band - Lie in our Graves

I had a hard time picking the music for this page. Here are the top three, so pick the one that suits your fancy.

[ Ants Marching | Crash into Me | Lie in our Graves ]