News Articles From Malaysia 

Note: The following article is originally in Mandarin. If there are any grammer mistakes, errors or misinterpretation (I try not to), please bear with me. Thanks. 

Touch Mag
See the Power of Wang Lee Hom

"Sometimes i would ponder upon what people think of me", Lee Hom says. "If not given the title of  'YOU ZHI OU XIANG', would my music be loved by all? Once there was a reporter asking me, that my parents are doctors, my brothers are very smart students, does it affect on myself? I felt lost for a moment. I hope that people would ask me questions related to my music but i can understand people's curiosity about my family."

In a telephone interview one day, Lee Hom spoke about his pressure and thoughts. Then, he was very different from what the media has portrayed him as (a perfect model). He was struggling and unsure of himself but he was resolute in searching his own status in the music industry.

"When i first joined Sony, actually i was a little lost. There were only interactions with the producing department. I was not familiar with the people there, and adding to the fact that the other singers in the company had very good performance grade. The majority of the people then were busy helping in CoCo's concert. Seeing everyone so busy rushing about, i felt even more lost and insecure."

"Those worries disappeared as i started to record the new album,  but instead mountains of pressure came along. This was due to the enormous focus i put on that album, " he said.

"Was this to prove your determination in changing your image?" i asked.

"Well, you can put it that way.  I  remember something that YoYo Ma told me the last time: "It is important to find you own voice". When i was signing the contract with Sony then, Sony respected my decisons. They allowed me to have my own personal space to create music. Since i have this opportunity, i must make all use of it to show my talent. Hence i was so busy that ended up sleeping only an hour a day."

"Is this because of your perfectionistic character?" I asked.

"Probably something to do with my Tarus stubborness and determination!"

"Someone once said that you were affected by David Tao's R&B singing style"

"It is quite unfair to say that. He and i grew up with the same R&B background, but we differ in the way we express ourselves."

Even till now, Lee Hom still maintains his usual habits. Wherever he goes, his laptop would be there too. It contains his organiser, his schedule plans and his musical works. It has become a part of his life.

"Since I went against my Dad's wishes, gave up a great education and chose music, the only way now is to work harder."