Welcome to...

" Downtown Country "

** Larry ** & ~ Altie's ~

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This is our Dance Sheet Library

These are our favorite places to dance!

Hello, our names are Larry and Altie Majors. We live in Muhlenberg County located in Western Kentucky...We enjoy Country/Western, and Line Dancing...and music of all kinds...We have also choreographed several dances. You can view or print them from our
"Dance Sheet Library"
I am the Service Manager at a local Chrysler - Dodge - Jeep dealership. I am also a Deputy Chief and former Chief of the local Fire Department...
My wife Altie works for the Muhlenberg County Board of Education as the Family Resource Outreach Worker for Drakesboro Elementary School. She is also President of Muhlenberg South Middle School's PTO, and a member of their Site Based Decision Making Council.
We have two children, Joshua and Samantha.
We would love to have you sign our guest book below and to hear from you to talk about mutual interests....see ya!

Larry & Altie

We are constantly working on our page so come back soon!

Our guest book!
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Your the person to visit with us.

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Please come back soon and visit.

aniboots crazy This Crazy Horse C/W Saloon Dancers site is owned by
Downtown Country & Western Dance.

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