Webtv HTML Tutorial

Now that you have changed your background and text colors, lets add an image. You will now need to add a new line that will go between the <BODY> and </BODY> tags. It looks like this.

<IMG SRC="URL of image">

Now I'm sure your asking "What does URL of image mean?" The URL of an image is the address of an image. To get a URL with Webtv you must first find an image when it is the only thing on your screen. Click on the image below for an example.

Once you have the image on the screen by itself press GO TO on your keyboard. From there go down and click on SHOW CURRENT. The URL for the image will now be displayed in the Address box. Copy the url and paste it in the code, which will now look like this.

<img src="http://geocities.datacellar.net/nisy1/gifs/g52.gif">

Okay it's practice time again. Copy and paste the new line into your signature box so that the code looks like this.

<BODY BGCOLOR="lightblue"TEXT="darkblue">
<img src= "http://geocities.datacellar.net/nisy1/gifs/g52.gif">

Once again E-Mail it to yourself and see what you think. This really is starting to get easier.