Webtv HTML Tutorial
So far we have changed your background and text colors, added an image, and a midi. How about we change that plain colored background to something a little fancier? Before when we changed the background color our code looked like this.

<BODY BGCOLOR="lightblue">

To add an image as a background you need to change the code from BGCOLOR to BACKGROUND like this.

<BODY BACKGROUND="url of image here">

Just add the url for the image you want to use between the quotation marks. Don't forget to change to text color so that it is readable on the new background. Here is what the new code will look like.

<BODY BACKGROUND= "http://geocities.datacellar.net/nashville/bluegrass/4131/backgrounds/fairybg.gif"TEXT="maroon">
<IMG SRC= "http://geocities.datacellar.net/Nashville/Bluegrass/4131/gifs/g52.gif">
<EMBED SRC= "http://geocities.datacellar.net/Nashville/Bluegrass/4131/gifs/uninvited.mid" autostart="true"loop="true" >

Add the new code to your E-mail and send it to yourself to see what you think.