
Welcome to the best and least updated page on the Internet.
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Well first let me say that if I'm home, I'll at least be connected to the Internet, and if I'm on the Internet, then there's a good chance that I'll be connected to IRC.  and
I only use two nicks: Sir_Lick-A-Lot and Kiss_This
For all you yahoo people that don't understand IRC
Its nice to know that at least one of us has a life.
I've looked through my share of Scripts (Versions of Mirc.) So if you're wanting to check it out, the this link will take you to the best that I've found.
Click Here
To Download Excursion
NOTE: I have removed all links from this page that have pictures of me or anyone else.
Reason: They are just too old and I'm not sure that I even want anyone seeing them.
In this box you will find links to the webpages of some good friends of mine. We all share at least one interest: PC Games, or more to the point, first person shooters.
Here's the Pics
UT2K3 CD Fix & Key Gen