Israel's Page!

Israel is my newest nephew. He was born October 15, 1998. He wieghed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces! My poor sister! His shoulders are so broad that he broke his collar bone getting here. Awww. So far, he's really sweet.

Four weeks later his mom says she thinks he might be getting a little spoiled! Aren't babies supposed to be spoiled?

Well, he's six months old now and there is no longer any doubt that the kid is spoiled rotten. But then, that's how it's supposed to be. I haven't actually seen him since Christmas but his pictures just get cuter and cuter!

Four months, February, 1999

three months, January, 1999

two months, Christmas 1998

Two Weeks Old

One Week Old

On his birthday!

With his daddy, Orlando.

His official hospital mug shot.

Our aunt Debbie holding Israel.

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