Hey ya all! Welcome to this Country girl's homepage!

Just put ya boots up, and stay awhile!

Hello, My name is Katie. If you have any ideas, about what I could add to my page, then please e-mail me at the addy at the bottom of the page. EMAIL ME!!!!

Now I'm going to tell you about my family. I have parents who aren't divorced and I have a brother. Anyone want him. *G* My brother is 20 and is in his second year of College, which is located in Northern California. I am 22 and I attend College of the Redwoods in Northern California also. This will be my fourth year there. I'm planning on moving soon, somewhere south of here, I'm tired of living here. I want to get a two-year degree in Graphic Design. My mom is employed at Gottschalks and my Dad is a purchassing agent for the City of Arcata. I live in Arcata now, which is way up north in Cali, in all the fog.

One of my best friends, Shelby lives down in San Pedro, California. I hardly ever see her, but she's kept close to the heart.

My favortie football team is the picture below...

I thought this was so cute and had to add it.

If you want to check out a page on my cousins and my grandfather then click on the link below.


Me on the other hand am six foot even, I have redish-blondish hair, blue eyes and very long slender legs. And as you can tell I LOVE country music!!! A new pic is coming soon...I try to attend church (every Saturday), I got baptized on the 21st of February in 1998.

My interests are:
Bowling, dancing, watching movies, walking on the beach, badmitton, billiards, partying, playing Uno at school and Country Music, do I need to say more?

My Poem Page

Country Music Artist Gallery

Fav. Country Performer is...
Who's your fav Country Performer?

Jeff Foxworthy
Clay Walker
Toby Keith
Ty Herndon
Shania Twain
Tim McGraw
Faith Hill
Lila McCann
Collin Raye


My Aggy Report
My favorite's are:
*Clueless, *Clay Walker, *Lila McCann, *Michael Peterson, *Paul Brandt, *Claudia Church, *Celine Dion, *Brad Hawkins, *Kenny Chesney, *The Little Mermaid, *Disney everything, *CMT, *Blue Hawaiians, *Tequilla Sunrises, *Toby Keith, *Ty Herndon, *Babylon 5 (Garabaldi), *Dolphins, *Dan Marino,*Chris Cummings,*Gil Grand, *MITIM, *Green, *Titanic, *South Sixty Five, *Paul Rudd, *Jonathan Brandis, *Chinese Food, *Candelight dinners, *N'SYNC, *Guys in them TIGHT WRANGLER pants.

New Country Song Poll
What's your Fav New Country Song?


Every week I'll post a brain buster, just for fun. You don't have to give me a response but you can if you want, at you know where!!!! This week's brain buster is:

Q:Why did the football go to the bank??

A:To get its quarter back!!!

Have a good Summer break everyone!!!!

Email me at KATBME4U@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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