Country, Rock, Hard Rock etc.
you will find it all here

Welcome to Kit's world of
Love for music

First I would like to say a couple things
to all my visitors as many that know me
here they know I use my music and writing
to express myself or to say how I really
feel my music is just as important to me
as the writing of my poems as I try to fit
in the exact sound that goes with the feeling
or feelings I am going thru at the time

Now please NOTE!! do not take this background
or any of its accessories this has been made
by me designed for my midi's which are here for
your use but please do not take anything but the
midi's from any of my midi pages without my

How To Download MIDI Files

Hold down the left or right shift key then
click on the song title. (Netscape)
Right click on the song title then click
Save Link As or Save Target As.
If you have the latest version of Crescendo
you can right click on the Crescendo box while
a song is playing, and then click 'Save As.
Mac users should hold down the option key, and
then click the song title.

Can't hear the midi's playing well just click on
the Live update below and get your plugin that
you need to hear the sounds playing it's FREE

Just follow all the next icons
until you get to the catagory
your looking for thru out your
travels thru my midi's you will
find country, rock, hard rock,
oldies 50-70's and much more to come

Country Music and Bootlegs

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