Hello and welcome to my homepage! I finally got around to doing a little updating *lol* It's not the greatest but i'm still learning!! If you don't like it then TO BAD FOR YOU hehehe I'm just kidding ya. Have fun and enjoy! Until next time "Stay cool and be safe".

I've been told better safe than sorry and to look before I leap....To think about what I should say, long before I speak....I'm tired of holding back my true emotions I can't help but cause a little commotion. I like shakin' things up, I like pushin' the boundaries, I like living my life on the edge and chasin' far fetched dreams. I'm gonna feel young when I grow old, I'm gonna challenge the status quo...when being good just ain't good enough...I like shakin' things up. I've been known to aim to high and sometimes I miss my mark but I'll never know how far I can go until I go to far....I believe in moderation but once in awhile I need a celebration....I like shakin' things up, I like pushin' the boundaries, I like living my life on the edge and chasing far fetched dreams. I'm gonna feel young when i grow old, I'm gonna challenge the status quo....when being good just ain't good enough....I like shakin' things up.

I chose to put this song up on my page for various reasons. One of those reasons is, my Mom says it reminds her a lot of me hehehe. I like to shake things up a bit and chase far fetched dreams even though I have a habit of not reaching them LoL Anyway, I just wanted to share the song with you. I hope you liked it. :-)

Hmmm...Somewhere on this page you can hear my voice. *eg* LOL

WARNING: Don't click here *g*

Still to come: Lyrics page, More pix, Some of my Likes and Dislikes, Friends page, More links to friends Websites and MUCH MUCH more :-)