Dave Robbins- The Man Behind the Keyboards

© Jennifer Amren
please note that all photos on these pages are the property of their owners and are used by permission

The reason I decided to create this page is because I feel Dave really deserves it. He's an exceptional musician with many talents and truly a nice person. I met him at a concert and he was nothing but nice and very thoughtful and I will always remember that.

© Katja Wolski
His love of music and family devotion really shines through in all his performances. With the support of his wife, Mary Lynn and their two boys, David and Trey, we are allowed to share in Dave's talents. He's on tour 120 to 150 days a year but still finds time to spend with Mary Lynn and the boys.

In June 99 I was thrilled to see Mary Lynn and the boys at BlackHawks Fan Club Party. I really think that the new song, "Always Have, Always Will", that Dave wrote and performs on their new cd "Sky's The Limit" and "Greatest Hits ", really protrays the love that they have between them.

I and other BlackHawk fans just want to thank Dave for the wonderful music he puts out and to thank his family for all the support they have given him through the years. If it wasn't for their support and love, we wouldn't have the music we have now and that's music from the heart, "THANK YOU!"

Dave,Jennifer and Henry in Portland OR 2000
© Jennifer Amren

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© 1997 jennifer1026@hotmail.com

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