*~*~Flying Dreams~*~*

Tomorrow in the morning light
We'll awaken from tonight
Now that nighttime's in the sky
With stars and moons and lullabies
Let's put on our angels wings and fly.

High above the city lights
Flying through the starlit night
Away to angel land we'll fly
With quiet whispers you and I
To all our daydreams say goodbye

Let's put on our flying dreams
And take the light from the moonbeams
On angel wings we'll go tonight
We will fly while sleeping tight

Blow a kiss across the Milky Way
And say good night to this today
Let's blow a kiss to stars and moon
And sing our angel lullaby

Tomorrow in the bright sunlight
We'll soon forget about our flight
But now we'll kiss the moon and sky
And sing our angel lullaby

Let's put on our flying dreams
And take the light from the moonbeams
On angels wings we'll skyward soar
We will fly to heavens door



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