KevinFriends has MOVED to http://kevinfriends.largerdesign.com.
KevinFriends belongs to US, Kevin Sharp's friends (a.k.a. fans). If you have stories, pictures, comments, or anything else you'd like to share with KevinFriends, please send them in!
To those who have contributed, I thank you a thousand times. Extra special thanks go out to TK!
Join the Kevin Sharp Friends Club, the official "fan club." It's worth every penny!
Kevin Sharp Friends Club
P.O. Box 888
Camino, CA 95709
January, 2004:
April 24, 2001:
June 23, 2000:
June 21, 2000:
- Be the first to see new Fan Fair 2000 Pics from TK and Dennis! Watch for news and a report from Fan Fair, coming verrrrrrry soon...
March 1, 2000:
- I hope and pray the Guestbook is fixed. Again. For now. Ugh. (Oh, and messages from 1997 through 1999 are all archived now!)
December 10, 1999:
- I am so very tired of GeoCities! If there are missing graphics or files, it is indeed their fault. KevinFriends will be moving to a new home soon. Keep an eye out here for the new URL, or bookmark the old URL, as the newest new URL will always be available there! (Or just sign up for the announcement mailing list, above.)
- Just uploaded today, a few fun new pics from Jamee!
- There's a new Quizlet in town! Which new pic do you like of Lee? Find out on the News page. Thanks to TK for the fab new shots!
December 7, 1999:
August 31, 1999:
- Have you upgraded your web-browser lately? The latest versions available are Netscape 4.61 and Internet Explorer 5.0. Upgrading is free, and it will make all of the websites you visit look much better!
July 16, 1999:
- Introducing KevinFriends Chat! Give the chat a try, and let me know what you think! (Oh, and for some tips-n-tricks, see the notes at the bottom of the chat page.)
July 7, 1999:
Well finally! As some of you may know, Yahoo! bought GeoCities, and all heck broke loose.
The servers were messed up due to the transfer, and the Terms of Service ("ToS") were replaced. The majority of GeoCities homesteaders were NOT happy with the new ToS, and a boycott ensued. (Note that the boycott is NOW over, but you can read all about it at Boycott Yahoo.)
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update KevinFriends, and I'm sorry if you're still having problems accessing some of the pages. There's still quite a bit of dust settling at the "new" Yahoo!/GeoCities. (If a page or frame is messed up, just right-click on the frame and click on "reload." If that doesn't do the trick, I'd really appreciate an e-mail!
Take a look at the News page for a few tidbits from Fan Fair, new songs, etc. New updates, photos, and more (maybe even a new URL?) are coming soon!
Thanks again for your patience. Now lemme hear from some of yas! : P
-- Douglas