The Unofficial Friends' Page Dedicated to Kevin Sharp!


Who Wants to Be a Kevin Sharp Fan

Who Wants to Be a Kevin Sharp Fan

We've all been waiting very patiently for the latest Kevin Sharp CD to be released. With input from Kevin and his many friends and fans, KevinFriends has come up with several ways you can help to hasten the new CD's release, and to push Kevin back to the top where he belongs! One item will help. Two will help even more. Or print the list out and do ALL of them! They're all so simple, and better yet, FUN.

1. Join the Kevin Sharp Friends Club. (If you haven't already!) Record companies DO look at the strength of fan club memberships. Plus, you get a signed 8x10, official news, pics, meet-and-greet passes, exclusive goodies, and more. It's truly worth every penny.

Kevin Sharp Friends Club
P.O. Box 888
Camino, California 95709

Remember: Polite and positive will get you everywhere with your correspondence!

2. Write to Warner/Nashville. It's very important to tell Kevin's record company that we want his new CD SOON. Just write in your own friendly words how much you love Kevin, the great success he's had in the recent past, and how eager you are to buy his new CD. :-)

3300 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, California 91505-4694

E-mail is great. A hand-written letter will have even greater impact.

3. Write to Country Weekly. It's the biggest country music magazine out there, and its editors and the country music industry pay a lot of attention to each other. For thorough information about writing to Country Weekly, visit their website and click on "feedback."

Ask a fun question about Kevin!

Country Weekly Q&A
600 E. Coast Ave.
Lantana FL 33464

Send a picture of you with Kevin. Include a story!

Club Notes at Country Weekly
600 East Coast Ave.
Lantana, FL 33464-0002

Ask to see a feature on Kevin.

Letters, Country Weekly
600 E. Coast Ave.
Lantana, FL33464

Enthusiasm counts! You just might wind up on the air with your story or request.

4. Call your local radio stations. Just keeping Kevin Sharp's name "out there" will be a huge help. Request Nobody Knows or another of Kevin's great hits. (For more helpful hints about making radio station requests, click here.

5. Call or write the local venues. If Kevin has performed in an arena, theater, nightclub or festival near you, call or write to that venue to thank them. Tell them you'd LOVE to see Kevin performing there again soon.

6. Blab about Kevin Sharp. Tell your friends! Your family, your co-workers, your neighbors. Tell everybody how very cool Kevin Sharp is. Even better, take someone along with you to the next Kevin concert!

Kevin's story sure is worth sharing. His music is, too.

7. Who's he? Place a poster or picture of Kevin Sharp prominently on your wall at work, at home, even in your school locker. You'd be surprised how much Kevin-related conversation results. You'll also be surprised when, weeks later, friends tell you about their own Kevin Sharp sightings.

8. No paste required. Don't forget to use a great picture of Kevin for your computer's wallpaper/background. People are bound to ask about him. With Netscape, you can just right-click on a picture and choose "Set As Wallpaper."

9. Blast Kevin's music everywhere you go! Don't disturb the peace, of course. But this is sure to start more conversations. It'll also get a lot of toes tapping. Play it at home, in the car, at work... Don't forget Kevin's Christmas tunes.

Most service providers and web communities have their own web-building programs. It's easier than ever!

10. Create your own website. Your homepage is a great place to mention Kevin Sharp. Or even better, dedicate the entire site to the man! Send the URL to KevinFriends and tell the world.

11. "Do you work here?" When you're shopping for CDs, it's easy to move Kevin's CDs to the front of his row in the bins. Sneaky, but easy.

12. No uniform required. But for some people, it sure is fun. Wear a Kevin Sharp shirt, hat and pin. Carry a Kevin keychain and drink from a Kevin mug. It's not a question of who's a looney-tune. It's Who Wants to Be a Kevin Sharp Fan!

Web Design by Douglas C. Wright This page hosted by Get your own Free Homepage
All original graphics, web design, and content Copyright ©1997-2001 Douglas C. Wright. In the interest of original content, no portion of this site may be reproduced for any reason without the prior consent of its author. "KevinFriends" is an unofficial, fan-produced site. Elektra, Asylum, the Kevin Sharp Friends Club, and Kevin Sharp's management are not affiliated with these pages in any manner.