To Terry's Country Corner


Well, I finally got this page in shape now.
So, I hope you all like it.
I'll be adding a few updated pictures
of my family and friends.
And adding pictures of my favorite groups.

So I hope you have enjoy what I have done so far .
I hope you'll come back later on
to check out the changes that
I've done.
Please come back soon..........Thank you.

Well if you would like to know a little more about me.

Also here's a special page I made for my Mother.

Here's a page with links to some of my friends web pages.

To see the other singer's I like please click on MR. JUKEBOX

Well,Here we go..........
Here's one of my Fav. groups. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


I love Randy Owens.
I have a real good friend that looks just like him.

This is Jeff, He's really great too.

Mark is a great drummer.

Oh my Teddy is really great also.
Shoot the whole band is GREAT! I Love All their songs!

To know more about the group Alabama. Click on the picture.

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