Rick and Rhett info.

If you are a fan take a look!!!!

Hi!! This is Eva and you have reached my homepage, Stay and take have a look. I'm a huge fan of Rick Trevino and Rhett Akins.

I am also added info on Kenny Chesney, and Clay Walker. I will also have some stuff about Eric Lindros, yeah I know he isn't a singer but he is a good hockey player and is cute!!!

Click here to learn more about Eric.

I hope I have all the latest gossip about them.
If you attend any of their concerts then take notes and come and let me know how they were cause I won't be there...:-(

Rick has a new single out called "Only Lonely Me." Check out Ricks new page at www.RickTrevino.com, its great guys.

Click here to learn more about Rick.

Rhett has a new album coming out sometime in March, there is no date set so keep your eyes and ears open, I know I will be! So glad he has one on the way, its about time.

Here is some information on Rhett.

Kenny Chesney has a greatest hits album out, go get it!!! There are some great new songs on it. He has also got a new look to his offical website.

Who is Kenny Chesney??? Click here to find out.

Clay has updated his website. Clay has been out golfing at the Pro-Am golf tournament. He also has an upcoming new album called Say No More, look for it.

Learn who Clay Walker is by clicking here.

Links to other sites on the Web

Rick's official site
Rhett's official site
Clay's offical site
Kenny's offical site
Eric Lindros' offical site

If you have any info. on either one of my guys let me know

Please come back soon and visit me!!!

© 1997 lindrosbabe88@hotmail.com

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