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Click here for help using this site PAGE UPDATED: 01 March 2000
Thank you for checking this page before continuing. There is a lot in here that, while important, I wanted to keep off the main pages to improve the flow of the site. In addition to the details below each page also has a 'help' facility available near the top left (no, this is not usual on web sites, but this is my site and that is the way I am going to do it!).

This page includes the following sections;
  Site Aims
  Minimum spec foe viewing
  Site contents

Site Aims

1.   The site will be for any fan of country music anywhere in the world, with special relevance to UK fans.
2.   It will be accessible to the maximum number of fans by not demanding a high spec system (see minimum spec section below). It will also be quick to load.
3.   It will be a site to be visited frequently with regular updates. In addition to information unique to this site, it will also contain information which is available elsewhere but which is not easy to find
4.   Dates will be given in full for easy reading on either side of the Atlantic. No more puzzling whether 03/01/2000 is in January or March.
5.   The site will be free of advertising except where required by the free services used and where businesses are mentioned on the links page.

Minimum Spec for viewing

Basically, if both the Homepage and this page look OK then you should be fine. Recommended minimum is;
Java Not required
Frames Not required
Browser I have test IE3.2 and Netscape 4.6. Lower versions should be OK but not tested.
Screen resolution 800x600 is best, but 640x480 will be fine
Colour 16 bit (or more) is best, but if other applications on your PC insist on 256 then this will be OK although some images will loose quality.
Modem Clearly the fast, the better, but the pages have been designed to be quick to load.


If you got in here, and can get out again, then you should have no problem with the rest of the site.

Any page which you can navigate forward from will have either navigation text in an oval with a yellow border on the left bar, or it will have labeled pictures(artist page only).

The tabs at the top are to navigate back, in all cases there is a tab for the homepage, in some cases there will also be one for the previous page. The BACK button on your browser will work as normal.

Some pages will have links within the text to go either to other parts of the page or to other pages in the site, these can be identified by being underlined and being a different colour to the rest of the text.

Many page will also have guidance text in green itallic, example;
Either scroll down to read all sections or click on any link below

Site Contents

The following is a run down of the selection available from the Homepage with details of what each contains;

Artists Clicking here will provide a list of artists for whom pages currently exist. A further set of pages is then available for each artist. All artists will have an introduction/news page, a biography or history, discography. Some have further sections for links, awards, etc
TV/Radio This page is specific to the UK. It contains details of all regular TV and radio programmes. It also contains any details I hear about special or one off programmes.
Puzzles A Fun section which contains anagrams, word squares, quizes etc.
Single Of The Week My award for the best of the current releases which has run since March 1999.
Awards Results of just some of the many awards presented each year, including CMA, ACM, CCMA and BCMA.
Updates Take a quick look here to see what has changed on the site since your last visit.
Links Links to many sites on the web, including record company sites, other fan sites and any other sites which I visit frequently. Not included here are links to artists sites which are included in the artist section.
Glossary Explanation of some of the terms casually thrown about.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. Any questions I find people asking, or think they may ask, will be answered in here. If you have a question about the site that is not in here then please just ask..
Hall Of Fame Details of the artists currently in the Country Music Hall Of Fame
Shops For UK fans. Details of where to buy country music.
Feeback Your chance to let me know what you think of the site.

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