Welcome to Baby and Meeko's Page!

Let me tell you a little bit about Baby. He is a domesticated black short haired cat with gold eyes and a kinked tail. I have had him for 7 years. I found him in the backyard of my apartment house. You know how most stray cats usually run away from people? Well not this one thank goodness! He came right up to me. He was a sick little kitten when I found him. He had so many fleas, and an absess on his mouth. I took him in, and then I put flea spray on him. Boy was that a mistake! I didn't know you shouldn't spray kittens with that stuff! So then I had to spend $80 on an emergency veterinary hospital visit.

How did Baby get his name? Well, I'll tell you. When he first came to me, he loved to sit on my lap. (he still does) I was sitting there thinking how much he seemed like a little baby, always wanting to be held. That's when he became my Baby. I thank God every day for him. He means so much to me. We have been through some pretty tough times together. He always seems to know when I'm feeling blue. He doesn't really like hugs, but when I am feeling sad and need a hug, he lets me hold him and hug him. I have felt for several years that if it was not for Baby I might not be here today. He is the best cat I have ever had. Thank you Baby for being my best friend.

Now to tell you about cute little Meeko. He is 2 years old and looks kind of like a mancoon cat. He has the bushiest little tail. He is such a sweet kitty. I didn't really want another cat, because of the expense, but my brother found him in the hallway of my apartment building so we took him in. I posted a sign to let people know that we had him. Nobody came to claim him, so I ended up keeping him. I am glad I did. He is a good playmate for Baby. Of course at first they fought. My brother and I would watch, it was so funny! To see a little tiny kitten chasing this big black cat around the house! Meeko has a tissue fettish, and at one time I thought I should have named him Fettish. He likes to get into my trash and take the tissues and shred them all over the house. Ugh! I was hoping as he got older he would stop doing that, but unfortunately he hasn't so now I don't think he ever will. I love him even though he has his quirks. All pets do.

So as you can see, I love my cats very very much. I hope to get more recent pictures of them scanned soon for you to see. The one I have isn't all that good, but it was the best one I had of the two of them together.

Thank you for coming to their page.

See more pictures of baby here.