A collection of Paul Facts and Stats
- Birthday: July 21,1972
- hometown: Calgary, AB
- High School: Crescent Heights (in
- Sisters: Sunny and Jenna
- Original name: Paul Rennee Belobersycky
- College: Mount Royal (in Calgary)
- Previous employment: Registered Nurse at the
Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary; often worked with
terminally ill children.
- Favorite food: Sushi & whole roasted
- Pets: Bay Leigh the Wonder Dog and Hank the
- Current Home: Nashville, TN
- Married to Elizabeth
Three years February 22nd
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Green
- Height: 6'2"
- Favorite Color: Green
- Weight : 170 pounds
- Paul album info.:
- Calm Before The Storm (1995) Dedicated to his grandfather
- Outside The Frame (1997) Dedicated to wife Elizabeth
- That's The Truth (1999) Dedicated to Fredson, and all the children
from World Vision
- 1999 Christmas Album; Shall I Play For You?
- More stuff:
- Paul met Elizabeth at church, she was a
singer in the choir.
Thanks for the new facts! If you have more, just let me know.
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