Comcent Comcent Comcent

Work performed with Comcent Trading and Contracting Co. during the period 01/01/90- 31/08/90 as Programmer/Analyst.
Working for Comcent Trading and Contracting Company, was just very relaxing. A lot of nice people were around. Management was trust worthy.

 Designing and developing the following modules for Zarqa
  Chamber of Commerce, using COBOL on WANG  VS machine:
   Incoming and Outgoing mail.
   Certificates of origin.
   Member's Information system.
 Conversion the following systems, from VS COBOL to
  Microsoft / Micro focus COBOL. These were running on the WANG VS, to run on IBM
  and compatible PC's:
   Payroll and Personnel.
   Stock Control.
   Customer's Information. 
   General Ledger.
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