Computer Research and Consultance ( CRC )
Work for Computer Research Consultant (CRC)during the period 01/01/92-01/08/92 as Programmer/Analyst.
Working for CRC was based on Project Contract. It was not too bad experience, since I had
the oppotunity to experience the Stock exchange market Activity, besides more experience with
Insurance and Banking systems. My role was concentrated in the implentation, and the
modification of an insurance package implemented at a company in Qatar. I also conducted
a couple analytical studies for potential customer, defining thier software equirements.
Beside that I participated in the development and software support.
Implementation of an Insurance Package,
on Wang VS machine, Using COBOL language.
This Package consisted of the following modules:
General Insurance Modules.
Motors Insurance.
Marine Insurance.
Fire and General Accidents Insurance.
Accidents and Claims.
Maintenance and development of Stock Exchange for Union Bank.
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