Hey! I am a 19 year old girl from Southern Saskatchewan (Canada) and I made this web page my favorite thing in the world (except my buds-I love you guys):
Click here to email me

Click on the bull to proceed to my rodeo page
Beside rodeoing I like Country Music, Chris Ledoux (you're the man, Chris!), partying,horses, and Wrangler butts
especially when they are on good looking men such as these two fine specimans

Especially the last, I got to see Julian Austin at Craven Big Valley Jamboree a few summers ago (at Craven Saskatchewan-before it became rock) man that rocked, but anyways, my buds had to hold me back to keep me from jumping onto the stage after that fine man. Speaking of the Big Valley Jamboree, it was so awesome, wish that we still had it- next year I might head off to Camrose 'cause JAMBOREE KICKS ASS. For those of you who have been to theis page before, me and my mom had to give the truck we won the lease on back. Here's a pic of the truck.

It's a pretty decent truck, I guess (for a FORD) I guess that is it, except if you all want to visit my links page, with links to Chris Ledoux pages, rodeo pages and such CLICK HERE. IF YOU NEED SOME RELATIONSHIP ADVICE (about that cowboy who did you wrong, or anyone who did you wrong) CLICK HERE . Don't worry, Jenn will be BRUTALLY HONEST and will probably side with the woman. If you want to go to my site about myself to learn more about myself GO TO MY ALL ABOUT ME PAGE by CLICKING HERE If you want to go to my page which has pics that other people have emailed me Click here Again if you want to email me click here
Also, I found this site on the internet that has excellent posters of anything that you could imagine for sale. This is an example of one, click on it to visit the site:
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And here's my only award for this web site

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