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Tracing the Gribbon Family Tree

Welcome to the Gribbon Family Page

Our family at present consists of my wife
Sheila O'Sullivan
from Adrigole Co Cork, Ireland myself,
John Patrick Gribbon, from Kearny, New Jersey, USA.

The boys:
Sean Timothy, California,

Kevin Gerard, his wife Kristen Stybe Gribbon.
Their children Conor and
Brenna in North Carolina

Brian Thomas his wife Frances Jerolaman
and their children Brian John and Jolle Blair in Florida

Michael John his wife Karen McEachern
and their children Danielle Lynn and Devin in New Jersey.

Joseph Patrick, his wife Kari Crawford
and their children Jacob Joseph, Joshua Paul and Jonathan Crawford are in New Jersey

James Hubert, his wife Yvonne and
their children Erin Victoria andNicholas James in North Carolina.

My roots like my branches are many but we will try to locate them.

My father}John Gribbon
was born in Belfast Co Antrim, Ireland on November 23,1902.
His parents were Patrick Gribbon born Belfast 1872?
and his mother Rose McKenna born Auchnacloy Co Tyrone Ireland 1872?.
Their children were James who remained in Belfast, Michael who
emigrated to England, John, my father, Gerard and Rose

all three emigrated to New Jersey, USA.

My mother Anne Josaphine Cassidy

was born in Belfast on July 24,1900
emigrated to New Jersey USA with the whole family.
Her father was Robert Cassidy born in Belfast Co. Antrim on December 29,1871
and her motherAnnie Smyth was born in Newry Co.Down on September 16,1871.
Their childrn were Patrick Cassidy and his wife Sally, James Cassidy James Cassidyand his wife Sadie, Mary Cassidy and her husband Frank Fay, Anne Cassidy and her husband John Gribbon, my mother and father and Domnick Cassidy and his wife Josaphine Comerford.

My grandfathers parents were Susan Cassidy born September 16, 1840 (don't know Where) and James Carroll (don't know dob or where)

My GGGrandparents on my grandfathers side were Peter Cassidy and Susan Hughes dob for both would probably be about 1820 to 1830 not sure where but probably Antrim.

As I uncover more roots and locate more branches I will add them.

Some of our roots in England have been uncovered. To check them outCLICK HERE

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Searching Ireland


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My sincerest thanks and gratitude go to Dee from
40 Shades of Green

without her help these pages would not exist.

Thank you Dee

Please visit as often as you like
and when ever you like.
Please sign my guestbook
if I'm not here to greet you and I'll know you
were here to visit.

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