Arlin's World : Musicspot dancing ,Church, and Family.

( Not necessarily in this order. < G > )    Let's dance on!
 Revised February, 2008             (Disclaimer- I am not responsible for the advertisements on this site.)
WELCOME to MY corner of the 3rd Stone from the Sun.
Music and Me!

My Fender Telecaster as a Link.

Music and Life, 1 N same?

Colourless aeb Productions, etc.


of Mine (genealogy)

and other things, such as our suggestions
for Vacations
(Pictures from Christmas 2003 trip!)

My Favourite Artists

Larry Norman(4/8/1947-2/24/2008), Phil Keaggy 

DCTalk, and others.

July 2003 - Pics from Brian and Heather's June 7th Wedding

Pics from my parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary

Pics from Dusti's Bellarmine University Graduation-May 2003!

NEW Family Portrait samples.

Pics of our Home Improvement Vacation July 2003

This page is published/authored assisted by Netscape 7.2 Composer.
Thank you for visiting!

Do ya wanna go to da top of da page?!?!
2000-2008 Colourless @eb Productions, revised 8/2008