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Programming On The MOO
MOO - That's what a cow says, right? Well...yeah...
I guess you could say that, but what we're talking
about here is programming.
You don't really need to know anything about computers
or computer language to learn to program in MOO because
there's almost always someone on the MOO that is willing
to help you learn. Then again, sometimes you might log
on, and you won't see anyone online for a couple of hours
(especially if its in the middle of the night).
The MOO programming language is a cross between C++ and
LISP, and is universal for most MOOs, so, when you learn
a little about it, you should be good to go on just
about any MOO.
The BEST way to learn to program is by DOING.
Fulfill the requirements for requesting a programmer's bit,
take a shot at it. When I started out, I asked a friend on
the MOO to help me. I wanted to make a FO (FEATURE OBJECT)
and program a verb on it that would show the room:
DietCoke bites her lower lip.
I didn't reallly care, at that point, if it was a simple
verb to program...I just wanted to learn to do it! I suggest
you start out the something simple. You will have
a feeling of accomplishment quickly, and this will encourage
you to learn more!
By the way, for those who are first bit of
code looked like this:
#8411:bite none none none rxd
player.location:announce_all(," bites ",player.pp,
" lower lip.");
You're probably simple can it get??? But, well, it took
me about an hour to get it right...
Here is a chart to get you started...something I always have trouble
with to this day...
Player Pronoun Subs | he | she | it |
player.psc | He | She | It |
player.po | him | her | it |
player.poc | Him | Her | It |
player.pp | his | hers | its |
player.ppc | His | Hers | Its |
player.pq | his | hers | its |
player.pqc | His | Hers | Its | | himself | herself | itself |
player.prc | Himself | Herself | Itself |
* the 'c' on psc, poc, ppc, pqc, & prc means caps (see examples)
Here are some links that may interest new programmers. I suggest
you make a copy and print it out for quick reference.
LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual
Yib's Site
Unofficial MOO Programming Tutorial
Way Easy MOO Programming Guide
Wingy's Cheat Sheet
EON's Tutorial
MOO List
Thank you for visiting The MOO pages!
This page created and maintained by Lorna Thomas and updated
constantly. This page and its contents may not be duplicated by
anyone without express consent of the owner of these pages.
(c)1999-2005 Dixie-Chick